After a few inquiries, we decided to take the 14:15 train to Ulm. This is a much larger city of 170k people so we think our chances of getting a new wheel rim for John's bike seem greater than the smaller (even though closer) towns. So we packed up our bikes and walked the approximately 1 km to the train station. Not too far but it turned out to be quite a hot day!

The 1.5 hour train ride was a welcome change and time to sit back, rest and enjoy the scenery. Once in Ulm, it was like any other city we've entered and begun to find a place to stay - a bit chaotic with lots of people, cars and signage that we don't understand. Fortunately, with the kindness of a few people, we found a recommended hotel not too far away. It was just a matter of patience and perseverance.

Finally, settled into our room and with the damaged wheel in hand, we left on a quest to find the new parts necessary to get John's bike back on the road. We went to 2 bike shops only to find that they were closed with notes posted on the doors that they were on vacation and wouldn't be back until the end of August!! We certainly gained some interest, carrying a bike wheel, from people on the street who wanted to help us. However, at this point it was 6 pm and no point in continuing for today as it seemed that all the stores closed at 6.

We stopped for a delicious curry and wandered over to the Munsterplatz where the central cathedral has the world's largest spire. Very ornate and soaring at 161.5 m. Apparently, you can climb up the narrow staircase to the top but neither of us are really up to the 768 steps!!

Our day concluded with an "ice" (what they call ice cream) and turning in early, exhausted, even though we did not bike at all today.